When doing your banking online, using proper security measures is critical to help prevent your information from getting into the wrong hands. That’s why keeping your personal and financial details safe takes steps on your part, as well as the banks. It’s our goal to ensure our customers have the safest and most secure methods to do their banking online, and to provide access to readily-available educational resources for helpful reference.
While there is no foolproof way to totally eliminate the risk associated with accessing your accounts online, using smart online banking security practices will help you greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of cybercrime. As a best practice, keep the following tips in mind when creating secure online credentials:
Complex Credentials Are Best
Use unique, complex User IDs and Passwords when creating and updating your login credentials, incorporating a minimum of 8-26 characters, and a combination of letters and numerals. Don’t repeat Usernames or Passwords across multiple accounts. An experienced cybercriminal knows that many people tend to reuse User IDs and Passwords, and will try them for every account.
Update Your Credentials Regularly
Security experts recommend that people update their credentials at least every 30-90 days. Our advice to help stay on top of this is to consider scheduling a recurring reminder on your calendar to update your ID and Password regularly.
Learn More About Online Banking Security and Safety
Review this article from the Federal Trade Commission for even more helpful online security tips and steps to help you carefully guard your personal information.
We’re here to help! Please reach out with any questions, and be sure to call us if you experience any online fraud, or fall victim to a scam involving your Guardian Mortgage account. Our servicing department is available by calling 800.331.4799 8 AM-5PM (CT) Monday-Friday.